Benefits video reels

What is the Benefits video reels section?

The Benefits Video Reels section is a captivating and interactive feature designed to highlight your product’s unique benefits through short, engaging videos. This section features a sleek slider showcasing a "reels" format, where each reel visually demonstrates product applications or key advantages. Users can play and pause the videos, immersing themselves in the content while discovering more about the product. With this format, you can combine storytelling and product marketing to create a compelling visual experience that drives user interest and enhances customer engagement.

Main settings


  • Heading: Enter the heading for the Benefits Video Reels section.

General Settings

  • Show play/pause buttons: Enable this option to add play/pause buttons for the video reels.


  • Text alignment in blocks: Choose the alignment for the text in each block (Left, Center, or Right).
  • Text style: Select whether the text appears as a headline or body text.


  • Text color: The 'Transparent' value is the default and inherits the global settings.
  • Background color: The 'Transparent' value is the default and inherits the global settings.

Section Spacing

  • Distance from the top: Adjust the space between the top of the section and the previous element.
  • Distance from the bottom: Adjust the space between the bottom of the section and the next element.

Customize Benefit video block

Click one of the preloaded Benefit video block to customize it.

Mobile view example