The Testimonial Video Reels section is designed to showcase client reviews in an engaging and visually appealing way. This section allows you to:
Display videos of your clients sharing their experiences or reviews.
Add a star rating to reflect the customer's feedback (e.g., 4.5/5 stars).
Include a testimonial text below each video, complemented by the author’s name.
The section operates as a slider, providing a smooth and aesthetic navigation experience for users to swipe through multiple testimonials effortlessly. It’s perfect for building trust and highlighting the credibility of your products or services. This section combines functionality and elegance to ensure that customer testimonials become a key asset in your store’s visual storytelling.
Main settings
Heading: Enter the heading for the Testimonial Video Reels section.
General Settings
Show play/pause buttons: Enable this option to add play/pause buttons for the video reels.
Text alignment in blocks: Choose the alignment for the text in each block (Left, Center, or Right).
Text style: Select whether the text appears as a headline or body text.
Text color: The 'Transparent' value is the default and inherits the global settings.
Background color: The 'Transparent' value is the default and inherits the global settings.
Section Spacing
Distance from the top: Adjust the space between the top of the section and the previous element.
Distance from the bottom: Adjust the space between the bottom of the section and the next element.
Customize Video testimonial block
Click one of the preloaded Video testimonial block to customize it.