The "Featured Navigation" section provides a streamlined way to guide customers through your store with a tabbed interface. This interactive menu is designed for easy navigation, allowing visitors to swiftly move between different parts of your site, such as the home page, product collections, or blog.
Main settings
Heading: Set the title for the featured navigation section to guide users to important parts of your site.
Menu: Select the menu to feature from your store's navigation menus.
Desktop Placement
Desktop placement: Choose the placement of the menu on desktop devices (options: Left, Center).
Text color: The 'Transparent' value is the default and subsequently inherits the value from the global settings.
Background color: The 'Transparent' value is the default and subsequently inherits the value from the global settings.
Section Spacing
Distance from the top: Adjust the spacing from the top of the section (default 40px).
Distance from the bottom: Adjust the spacing from the bottom of the section (default 40px).